Video: Jon Wright

Interview with The Tired Photographer - Joel Stafford

My name is Joel Stafford, I’m a Brisbane based photographer specialising in Wide Field Astro Photography and Landscapes.

I’ve been takings photos for over ten years now, and over that time I have nearly tried my luck at all genres of photography chasing a dream of becoming a full-time photographer. I’ve now come to a point in my life where I’ve found happiness helping people choose their new camera, and teaching them how to use it thanks to working in the photography retail sector. While working as a full-time employee I do get the flexibility to do my own personal photography and run workshops throughout the year.

Thanks to having a new young family (Wife and two small kids) I’ve fallen deeper into the world of Astro Photography, and is now my primary genre I choose to shoot. Being out in the darkness under a night sky lit up by trillions and trillions of stars is something special, and is something I can’t wait to share with my kids when they’re old enough.

Reach out to me -


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